Thursday, December 22, 2011

Trying on 'Earthy' for size.

Today Scott and I decided we were going to help with yard work- the weather was unseasonably warm and we were looking for an opportunity to get outside.

Originally I wanted to use the chain saw and make firewood but apparently chainsaws aren't child's play and my dad quickly shut down that idea. At first I was upset but then I realized... that I was assigned the 'ceremonial stacking of the wood'. I named it that because it's such an important job.

I was able to wear safety glasses. They were legit. And looked kind of like hipster glasses. And they had paint splattered on them. Real paint splatters.

That's when I got the idea to pretend I was in a j.crew magazine photo shoot. I even imagined myself into a plaid flannel shirt and dark wash skinny jeans. 

Then I made Scott take pictures of Lilly and me next to the wood I stacked.

At this point I was loving wood. That's when I found this beauty.

I'm going to make this little gem into a cutting board for cheese. If it comes out well I'll let you guys know how I did it.

My sister loves the earth too. Today she came home for the holidays with goodies from her garden.

Don't you wish you could grow things as beautiful as these beets? Now that I'm earthy- I do.

Look at these leafy greens she grew from little seeds. Can you imagine? I can barely remember to water my house plants. 

Do any of you garden? Chop wood? Pretend to be in J.Crew photo shoots?

I hope so.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I don't cook. I want to.. I like to pretend I do.. but the idea of making a mess in my kitchen after a long day of classes turns me off. I have plenty of other options-the home-made food my mother makes me on Sunday's, Whole Foods, subway... the hospital cafeteria ( I put it in that order in hopes you wouldn't read the end of that sentence. No one wants to admit to eating at the hospital cafeteria.)

Now that I'm on Holiday, I can be whatever I want to be. A blogger... A chef.... you get the idea. So tonight I cooked for my family and boyfriend. And it turned out well. It was actually good. So I'm THRILLED with myself.

But not as thrilled as I would be if I had been smart enough to take a picture. I would have taken a picture of the left overs, but there weren't any. (GREAT SIGN)

This isn't my risotto. Mine looked a little different (better) but visuals keep your attention.

It's so easy- you can impress your family and boyfriend too.

I got this risotto recipe from a show on the Cooking Channel. It's perfect for people who want to make something really delicious, but easy. (WARNING- risotto involves standing over the stove for at least 35 minutes- make sure you have a glass of wine and good music)

Portobello Mushroom Risotto
  • 3 cups organic vegetable stock
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 4 portobello mushrooms, diced
  • 1 yellow onion, minced
  • Sea salt
  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 3/4 cup good white wine
  • 1/2 cup crumbled gorgonzola
  • 1/3 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
  • Freshly cracked pepper
(I used my favorite Chardonnay, La Crema, but apparently you can use any old white wine- so don't use your favorite, unless you're pouring it into a glass for yourself)

Bring the vegetable stock (it used to be chicken, but I'm a vegetarian so I substituted) to a bare simmer in a saucepan.

Meanwhile, heat the butter and olive oil in a medium pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until golden, 1 minute. Add the mushrooms, onions and 1 teaspoon sea salt and saute for 8 minutes. Stir in the rice and cook for 2 minutes. Deglaze with the wine and cook until the wine has reduced completely. Ladle in the simmering broth, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly until the rice absorbs all the broth before adding more. Repeat until all the broth has been added and the rice is al dente, about 20 minutes. Stir in the cheeses and a pinch of sea salt and pepper.

Spoon the risotto into bowls and enjoy. I topped it off with a bit of freshly grated cheese and parsley from my boyfriend's dad's garden. YUM YUM.

My mom and dad went out to NYC this past weekend and went to Felidia. My mother said they served their risotto with aged balsamic vinegar- so we tried that. It was perfect. I also added some crushed red pepper to mine- but I like an extra spice.

I was so excited about all the compliments I got on the dinner I made- I'm a praise junky- I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. 

I ended up spilling all of the brown sugar on the floor- remembering why I don't like to cook/bake. But I pushed through and finished what I started and I got some praise and ate some cookies. So I was happy again- just like Cookie Monster.

Now go tell your family you'll be in charge of dinner tomorrow night and get some much deserved praise!

Do any of you have some praise-worthy recipes you would like to share with me?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Funday.

I have big plans to blog every day. Before we start this relationship and you start getting over-excited the way people do at the beginning of relationships- you should know it's not going to be like this forever. When I talked before about people getting over excited at the beginning of relationships- I was really talking about myself. In about 2 weeks when my holiday break is over, sadly the posts won't be quite as frequent.

I know some of you think my biggest aspriration in life was to learn to paint my nails (and it was one of them)...  I do have other plans- they're just not as glamorous. (as of right now I'm pretending not all of my readers are personal friends of mine and family.. so be good friends and play along and pretend you did't know about dental school).

Yes, that's right readers... I want to be a dentist....

In my real life I spend almost all of my time studying for exams and the rest of the time waxing teeth in lab, and the little bit of time I have left sleeping. There are days when I don't have enough time to go to the bathroom more than 4 times so I'll drink less water while I'm studying. All of my dental school friends feel this same way- it's not even considered extreme. And it will all be worth it because someday I'll have a wonderful career and I'll be really happy and I'll be helping people and I'll own my own business and I'll be able to decorate my house however I want and go to eat at fancy restaurants.

I know what you're going to comment- if you could figure out how to comment- so i'll save us all the hassle. Dentists have the highest suicide rate of all professions. But when I have this blog to live for we don't really have much to worry about , do we?

So before we decide to go steady- I want you to know there will be weeks before the exam where I don't blog. But not because I don't love to blog, but because I'm not even showering or making it to the gym and I really don't want to repeat first year so I'm busy studying.

And for those of you who are going to stop reading now that you know I want to be a dentist- I understand. (but not really because you all already knew) You don't want to be lecured about flossing and you don't even like going to the dentist every 6 months for your cleaning. But I promiseeee I won't ever talk about dental school, unless I'm complaining.

So STAY. We can make this work.

And look at my cute apartment living room that I never sit in.

And look at this cute necklace that my sister gave me before school started.
Elephants are a symbol for good luck- and I needed that. And I still do- hence the blog name.

Dogeared has these cute 'make a wish reminder' necklaces with all sorts of darling charms.
So if you haven't gotten your sister a gift yet. You should. here.


Sunday, December 18, 2011


I'm so excited to be blogging, even if it is to no one at the moment. I've been long awaiting the day that I found the gumption to open my life to the internet... so here I am world. Eat me up! I'm not exactly sure what I'll be blogging about. Probably mostly things I like.  We'll see how it goes and we'll grow together- assuming there will ever be a 'we' - I'm talking about you hypothetical reader- but I'm hopeful.

I will tell you people (trust me I do realize there aren't really 'people' yet... but they say 'fake it til' you make it'- right?) about my most current accomplishment. I learned to paint my nails. I've never had the dexterity or patience for it, but last night by golly I did it! I won't lie.. They look good. They look realllllll good.

I used OPI's Texas Collection San Tan-Tonio. I love it. If you want to be just like me you can get it here.

So while I'm on break I'll be buying nail polish and painting my nails- just like I've always dreamed. Don't worry I'll keep you updated.
I'll be trying these beautiful glitter dipped nails above for New Years. Ambitious, I know.

Some day when I get really good at painting nails and can use colors that don't lend themselves well to a shakey hand. I'll be doing this.
Wow. Someday people. Someday.